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June 9th marked the end of the 14th edition of the simultaneous fairs BIO BRAZIL FAIR | BIOFACH AMERICA LATINA – Organic Products and Agroecology International Fair and NATURALTECH – Natural Products, Food, Supplements and Health Fair at Anhembi’s exhibition hall in São Paulo.  The largest business events in their segments in Latin America, the fairs featured more than 500 brands, which presented to the market and consumers about 1,500 launches in certified organic products (food, cosmetics, clothing, accessories), natural products and health promotion products (functional foods, probiotics and whole foods, vegetarian and vegan products, food supplements, natural cosmetics, cleaning and hygiene products, herbal medicines and supplementary therapies), among many other products.  Together, BIO BRAZIL FAIR and NATURALTECH 2018 received 40,787 visitors60% more than in last year’s edition. In B2B activities, growth reached 71%, with a strong presence of professional visitors from restaurants, supermarkets, wholesalers, bakeries, pharmacies and perfumeries, hotels and condominiums, gyms, clinics and clubs, who came to the fair in search of novelties to serve the growing number of clients who adopt healthier living habits. Healthcare professionals also visited the events to relate to the market and get updated.  For Abdala Jamil Abdala, president of Francal Feiras – promoter of the events since the first edition – BIO BRAZIL FAIR and NATURALTECH fulfilled their role of contributing to the realization of a market that does not stop growing. “This is the great meeting for the world of organics and natural products. We have gathered hundreds of brands, more than 20 of which are international, coming from 13 countries, and put them in touch with thousands of buyers, both professionals and end consumers.” In the assessment of Francal’s Business manager Valeska de Oliveira Ciré, the fairs once again impacted the organic and natural products supplier and buyer market. “The public followed the fair,” she says, referring to the fact that it was held at Anhembi for the first time. “The feedback we had from exhibitors was extremely positive, both in terms of sales and the opportunity to advertise their brands and products to a market eager for novelties” (see testimonials at the end of the text). In addition to the exhibition hall, the stimulus to business took place in the Rodadas de Negócios(“Business Rounds”). 399 meetings have been pre-scheduled between 149 exhibiting companiesand 19 specially selected buyers in a reserved and exclusive environment, away from the booths. This direct and personal contact generated an expectation of nearly BRL 16 million in business for the next 12 months. The invited buyers came from states such as Espírito Santo, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and São Paulo.

Knowledge In addition to fulfilling its role in generating business, BIO BRAZIL FAIR and NATURALTECH carried on their mission of promoting debate and bringing free and quality knowledge about the novelties and trends in the organic and natural worlds.  The event featured more than 120 hours of an extensive schedule, including the Fórum Internacional de Produção Orgânica e Sustentável (“International Forum on Organic and Sustainable Production”), Encontro com Agricultores Orgânicos para o Fornecimento na Alimentação Escolar (“Meeting with Organic Farmers for Supply in School Nutrition”), Painel de Cosméticos Orgânicos e Naturais (“Panel on Organic and Natural Cosmetics”), Fórum Thinking Green – Inovação e Econegócios (“Thinking Green Forum – Innovation and Eco-business”), Festival de Cozinha Vegetariana (“Vegetarian Cooking Festival”), Encontro de Aromatologia (“Aromatology Meeting”), Encontro de Práticas Integrativas (“Integrative Practices Meeting”), Painel de Cosméticos Orgânicos e Naturais (“Panel on Organic and Natural Cosmetics”), Seminário SVB – Vegetarianismo em Foco (“SVB Seminar – Vegetarianism in Focus”), Workshop Opção Vegana (“Vegan Option Workshop”), Congresso de Fitoterapia Clínica (“Conference on Clinical Phytotherapy”) and Congresso Brasileiro de Fitomedicina (“Brazilian Phytomedicine Conference”),a lecture cycle by exhibitors and a special lecture cycle that filled the auditorium and received personalities such as Bela Gil, Pedro Paulo Diniz, Dr. Alberto Gonzalez, Conceição Trucom, Valdely Kinupp, and many others.

Exhibitor’s Word Once again, the fair is a success. It looks beautiful at the new address. The fair grows every year, and as someone who has participated from the beginning, I can say that the change of location only added value to it. Commercially, we feel more comfortable talking. We made great contacts, served new clients and even talked to new suppliers.  José Gomes, director at Mirella

It was amazing to see the amount of new consumers interested in the natural and organic world. It is the first time we have seen so many people who do not know the segment, and were in search of information. For us, the fair was extremely positive.  Beatriz Branco, Marketing manager at Weleda

Wonderful! I am still trying to synchronize the number of contacts we made during the fair, which greatly expanded our prospects for the coming months. The fair is packed!  Luísa Albrecht, owner of Baims Natural Makeup

This is our sixth time participating at the fair, and we are surprised. We were used to the other location, but now everything is wider, companies are exposing more, investing more on the booths. Francal was very happy with this change, and we are very happy to celebrate the 10 years of the company here at the fair.  Rose Bezecry, director at Cativa Natureza

Bio Brazil Fair is outperforming every year. We were worried about the change of location, so we decided to bet on a bigger booth, and the result surprised us a lot. Next year, we want to come back with twice the space and surprise the visitors with a new concept.  Reginaldo Morikawa, Superintendent director at Korin

We were very pleased with the outcome of the fair. In the first two days of this year, we have already earned the same revenues as the entire last year’s fair. This is our third year, and we notice that the fair is growing, the public is increasing and next year we will certainly be here together, because it is a very important event for growth in the sector.  Caroline Villar, founding partner at Souvie

I had no idea what the fair was about. There have been a lot of people here these days, with a huge diversity of opinions and needs, and we have shown the possibility of YouAgro being this discussion environment to connect the producer with the final consumer, with the company, with government agencies. So for us, it was very good, a very positive experience.  Guilherme Ferraudo, Product Development manager at YouAgro

Participating in the fair was great. We like the hall, it has a high ceiling, the hallways are wider. We really love it. In terms of networking, it has increased a lot, we made a lot more contacts with shopkeepers and was much better than the previous year    Erick Pinto, partner at Do Pé ao Pote

This is the first time that we have participated in the fair, and this is very important, because the organic segment is growing. The market has big producers doing great projects, and our networking was really good, we really made a lot of contacts.  Vinádio Bega, Commercial department employee at Yoorin

This was our second participation at the fair, which confirmed the success of the first one. In addition to selling to the end consumer in a larger than expected volume, we made good contacts for opening franchises, a novelty that we brought to Simple Organic’s business at the fair.  Juliana Berkenbrok, Market manager at Simple Organic

We were even a little anxious about the whole crisis, but the fair surprised us again. Then, from year to year – and this year was incredible – this shows that the fair has already positioned itself well, and the consumer has already been looking for the brand. The atmosphere is very pleasant, perfect.  Zezé Ferri, General director at Almanati

Our strategy was not to sell our products at the booth, but to focus on tasting. For this, we have brought all launches of organic line, our three sauces, the juices, and several other products. We ended up running out of material, and this shows that people liked it a lot.  Djny Fabro, Marketing assistant at Jasmine

With respect to business, we felt that more shopkeepers came visited than last year, and this has made us generate more business, which really was our expectation. Regarding the end consumer, we are very happy because we received more people with interest in our products and novelties.  Kelvin Hoffman, Commercial director at Bioprim

We are very happy to bring innovation to the vegan world, which is vegan bacon based on potatoes and yams, and we are even happier for the fair’s acceptance, since it is our first time participating. It exceeded our expectations regarding sales and especially with respect to networking with shopkeepers, distributors and end consumers.  Thiago de Oliveira, partner at Naturinni

We have been attending the fair for many years, but this is the first year we have a booth, and it was great for doing business. We saw a lot of people interested, so for us it was amazing both for consumer sales and for future business, and a beautiful investment.  Luiz Brassi, Market agent, and Ilson Silva, administrative agent at Imaflora

This year’s fair attracted an even more qualified audience, generating good business and prospecting new customers. I notice that the change of location, from Ibirapuera to Anhembi, was extremely positive, and added value to the fair. We received visitors from various states and countries, we made good sales and I’m sure future deals will be closed.  Inácio Marchette, director at Ekobé

It’s been seven years since we participated in Naturaltech, and this year was a very different experience for us. We were able to see not only the growth of the market, but the growth of the fair. I attend a lot of international fairs on healthy foods, and I am very happy to be here at Anhembi, which is a reference for exhibition parks in Brazil.  Virginia Dias, CEO/President at Chocolife

This year, the entire fair was on one floor, which was much more democratic, and had a greater flow of people. On the last day, several products have already sold out, and I am thankful for that. You can count on us for years to come.  Marcella Zambardino, managing partner at POSITIV.A

The fair was amazing! It was our first experience with a booth having 12 family farming cooperatives offering well-diversified, organic, natural, healthy products. The booth was packed all the time with people coming from all the states, which made it possible to position the project in the market. The Business Rounds provided access to large buyers for family farming producers.  Guilherme Souza, advisor at Projeto Bahia Produtiva – CAR 

It was our first time at the fair, we decided to enter at the last minute, and in terms of structure it was great, it surprised us. Very well organized, a distinguished audience, that we previously could not reach. So it was quite interesting and productive.  Eduardo Mondini, Marketing director at Atlhética Nutrition

The change of location was very good, mainly due to the size, as the fair is growing. In the end, we were in a great hurry, selling our last units of products, which for us is very important so that the public can get to know our product. We were really happy to have participated.  Wagner Junior, Marketing coordinator at Mais Pura

We participated in the fair for the first time last year, and then we decided to participate for a second time, which was surprising. We have made a lot of contacts, we are also very happy with the organization, with the location of the event, and we are finishing our participation with satisfaction.  Andre Oliveira, Commercial manager at Arenales Homeopatianimal



Date: June 6-9 (Wednesday to Saturday)  Hours: 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Location: Anhembi Exhibition Hall (Avenida Olavo Fontoura, 1209 – São Paulo – SP)  Promotion/Organization: Francal Feiras

BIO BRAZIL FAIR PARTNERS Collaboration: Nürnberg Messe  Sponsor: Itaipu Binacional  Official Support: Brazilian council for organic and sustainable production (Conselho Brasileiro de Produção Orgânica e Sustentável, ORGANIS), organic agriculture association (Associação de Agricultura Orgânica, AAO) and Euromonitor International

NATURALTECH PARTNERS Official Support: Brazilian pharmaceutical commerce association (Associação Brasileira do Comércio Farmacêutico, ABCFARMA); National association of compounding pharmacists (Associação Nacional dos Farmacêuticos Magistrais, ANFARMAG) and Brazilian vegetarian society (Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira, SVB)  Information by phone: (11) 2226-3100  Website: /

More press releases: Luiz Carlos Franco / Jota Silvestre 
Primeira Página Assessoria de Comunicação e Eventos 
(11) 5908-8214 
Journalist in charge: Luiz Carlos Franco 


+55 (11) 2226-3100

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